"Like A Fish Underwater" new way to breath under water without oxygen tanks

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...and Pepcid
Right. Antibiotics, vaccines and air-conditioning. And you live in Qatar? That's such a ridiculous comment.
try to step back to have an idea about the whole pictures instead of abstracts (cause & effect, side effects, collaterals...etc.) before forming such myopic opinions
Right. Antibiotics, vaccines and air-conditioning. And you live in Qatar? That's such a ridiculous comment.
And gobal communication.
Well none of those or any other "improvemntns" are totally good. There is a downside to anything. What are we arguing about anyway...?
too much free time, maybe?

Exactly. Thanks to modern technology, you have the luxury of free time to waste on meaningless debates about why you would not be here but for those same innovations. If you really meant what you say, you'd be doing breath-hold diving with seaweed for fins and not use your computer for this idle chatter. Good luck harvesting your meal in the desert today. :wink:
Yep; technology is wonderful. Now, instead of worrying about death from wild animal attacks or common influenza, we can worry about death from idiots using cell phones while driving and from common obesity.

Why not just try to perfect "Ox-o-gum" and be like Marine Boy!! (God I'm showing my age now!!)
Yep; technology is wonderful. Now, instead of worrying about death from wild animal attacks or common influenza, we can worry about death from idiots using cell phones while driving and from common obesity.

Insufficient food, contaminated water, and malaria were the best killers of the pre-tech world I think. Chlorination of water is probly the biggest breakthru in life expectancy of the modern world. In the US, obesity is now a bigger threat than famine and malaria virtually non-existent. Some have gone to extremes tho, buying water in 12 oz bottles even when tap water is fine. I carry a refillable.

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