You know you are a beginner when...

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You know you are a beginner diver when, at the end of the dive, you have the bcd almost full of water and few pounds of sand in your wetsuit. But anyway, you're proud to be a diver and say that was awesome but seen nothing except sand clouds......
roflmao!!! this is sooo me! i can relate to ALL of the comments!! i dive for fun, i keep it simple. my goal is to go down, see pretty stuff and come back alive to do it again later. its all good!
I used to PM posters to ask them what that stuff meant so I wouldn't look like too much of an idiot publicly.

Trust me, you will get used to it in no time. Took me only a matter of days.
You know you are a beginner when...... you have spent an hour on SB trying to figure out what that "octopus" thing is that everone keeps talking about....

not that i did that before SB finally convinced me to start diving :14:
You know you're a beginner when you use 2000 psi on a dive, and 1500 of it went in and out of your dry suit . . . Not that I ever did that, mind you :)
You know you're a beginner when you can see your tank valve in front of you during a dive.
You know your a beginner when the instructor says "Make sure you have your fins on the right feet" and you take the time to look and see if they are really Left and Right foot fins....
Jon C:
You know you're a beginner when you can see your tank valve in front of you during a dive.

You make to make a three minute safety stop at the end of a dive...your max depth was 22 fsw.
You make to make a three minute safety stop at the end of a dive...your max depth was 22 fsw.

I allways feel like a idiot around ppl when I do my "mandatory" (so said by my computer or I will get locked out for 24 hours) safety stop if I go past 30 ft for even 5 minutes.
You know your a new diver when:
You think Nitrox is also used in funny cars,
You worry about the dive table,
You are concerened about rental tanks,
You have to travel to a remote dive site when in fact, a very good one is near your home,
You watch the dive boat leave, no whistle or mirror,
You are out of air in fifteen minutes,
So on and so on,


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