The cost of Padi

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But what is their frame of reference or experience on which to base the [senseless] complaining? Your analogy makes no sense at all, because what you really are stating to be completely comparing apples to apples is that the "review of the restaurant" would be made by someone that never ate food in their life before...

The student diver is diving for the first time, so, on what are they basing their complaints?

New divers most certainly have the qualifications to determine if they felt qualified to dive in open water or not.

Since it's an Open Water class, a diver who took the class, then didn't feel comfortable in open water would, by definition have a legitimate complaint.

I am sorry if that is what you paid for the adventures in diving manual, but here stateside we sell the AOW crew pack for 37.99 and that includes a new log book (because we know you need another :wink: ) So that puts the manual at $25 (12.99 for the log book), that is not too bad for a book.
Padi does not set the prices on their products, so it is all up to the dive shop, it is not PADI's fault if someone wants to mark a manual up 300%+.
Just out of curiousity how much does a NAUI manual cost? Is PADI really that far off from what other training agencies are charging?
As far as keeping knoledge reviews in this day and age where everyone wants to sue an instructor has to have proof. If an instructor has KR then the stundent cannot claim he/she was never told to not hold their breath, or how deep thay could safely dive ect.....
Umm, on the web site thing...perhaps other agencies are also promoted and PADI had a problem with that? Don't you have to only offer PADI programs except where PADI does not have one?

I sure can't remember!
Umm, on the web site thing...perhaps other agencies are also promoted and PADI had a problem with that? Don't you have to only offer PADI programs except where PADI does not have one?

I sure can't remember!

That would be my guess Alcina.

AFAIK, PADI has never had a problem with members using its clip-art, etc if it is used within their guidelines.
Everyone has to bash PADI
I mean, why not, they are an easy target.

The truth is I have shopped prices through SSI, TDI, PADI, DSAT, NAUI etc... And for the most part they are all in the same ball park, A little more here a little less there but not enough to get my scales in a ruffle. Most of the price differences are in the shops and schools. The materials they teach are all very similar. Not enough difference to fret over.

I just look at it this way. There are a lot of rip offs in the SCUBA Arena. Its a specialty world and the price of admission is high. Any time we are required to have special equipment or training you have a higher price tag.

I just figure you have to PAY to PLAY!

If you want me to really get started lets talk about the price of some equipment.
This stuff is not rocket science but it’s priced like it is.
There are a lot of rip offs in the SCUBA Arena. Its a specialty world and the price of admission is high. .

Try planning a wedding :D :wink:
You guys, I am not bashing PADI. If you say we cannot discuss PADI at all, its fine.

LAVAsurfer: Do you have to pay to play? I am starting to realize that maybe I don't need to pay so much.
You guys, I am not bashing PADI. If you say we cannot discuss PADI at all, its fine.

We can certainly discuss PADI and/or any other agency :)

It would be good if we can discuss without bashing and without stating things about an agency (shop, diver, instructor) etc that aren't true or relevant. We need to make sure that the person/agency we are discussing is actually responsible for the topic.

In this case, the perceived overcharging on the Advanced Manual, PADI is not responsible and should not be held accountable.

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