I Hurt Myself Today

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Are you bringing flip flops?

Well I'm not, but I ordered a special pair of heavy duty Birkenstocks! Going for my first time in 10 days, can't wait! And thanks again for your wonderful chronicle, I am so excited to get there. I'll be at SCC August 1-8.
Lucky you...congratulations Bill. Are you bringing flip flops? Are you an Aldora guy?

Have fun...just watch out for boats, ladders, wet cement, and uneven concrete.
I will be expecting a full report.

I hate to admit it, but yeah...I am actually bringing those dangerous Hawaiian foot protection devices. I actually don't like wearing them (rather go bare foot...Florida beach native), but from the boat to the room requires some sort of foot protection and I hate taking real shoes in the boat. :D

I am an Aldora believer actually, though I would like to get a look at a couple of others before I declare my undying allegiance...they are very very good, but I can't help thinking there might be one op out there that will let me dive a steel tank to 700psi whether there is a hoover in the group or not. This trip....strangely enough, the dive op call is still in the air. I wanted to give Living Underwater at least a couple of days look, but he's going on VACATION! Can you believe that? Leaving Cozumel on vacation. I'm speechless.

So, I've narrowed it down to Aldora and....well, believe it or not...just this minute, the choice became Aldora. So yeah...I guess I'm an aldora guy again this trip...and I'm bringing a newbie with me. Why not spoil the guy on his first open water dives? I might give Liquid Blue a day or so while he rests and escorts his wife around the island (not a diver). Don't get me wrong, I like Aldora a lot...but there are one or two teeny little things that I would like to change. If they would ascend in pairs at 700psi instead of the group at 1000psi, I would leave a credit card on file and never go anywhere else. Still, they are the best I have found thus far....which is to say they are very very good.
What a bummer. You can still make the best of it. Rent a jeep and make lap touring around the island. There's a pretty cool crocodile viewing area, a light house and lots of scenic beach stops along the way. Assuming, of course, you haven't already done all of those things. And, there's always Margaritaville.
I wanted to give Living Underwater at least a couple of days look, but he's going on VACATION! Can you believe that? Leaving Cozumel on vacation. I'm speechless.

Yes, Jeremy's from Minnesota so he's going for a visit with his wife and kids in slow season. It's good for everyone to take time off, recharge, and come back better than ever.
Ok, we are going to need to see a copy of your liability insurance, your health insurance, life insurance and umbrella policy. We will need to see certifications of your OSHA training (specifically in ladder safety) as well as your paramedic training certificate. Rescue Diver rating is a given in this case I'm thinking, and while we are at it....have you made out a will yet?

check all the above!

really do hope to meet up someday in Coz! I have already met some fine folks from this board down there!

Jean in MO
Blue Angel Nov 27-Dec 2
Okay...today is the day I go in for my first AMERICAN medical visit since the ACCIDENT. My fingers are crying (yes they are) for help. I will take in my X-Ray from Mexico and my bill for $1095 so I can work on my reimbursement at the same time.

Its funny, when I had my 3 fingers taped together for diving and climbing up the ladder I was able to use my whole arm. But, if I want to change the pillowcase on my pillow...that feels impossible. Anything requiring a grasp type position is not doable, no matter how hard I try. Climbing up the dive ladder, I would stick my whole arm in behind the ladder and let my arm do the work. Still can't open any screw tops of any kind.

Wish me luck.
Okay...today is the day I go in for my first AMERICAN medical visit since the ACCIDENT. My fingers are crying (yes they are) for help. I will take in my X-Ray from Mexico and my bill for $1095 so I can work on my reimbursement at the same time.

Its funny, when I had my 3 fingers taped together for diving and climbing up the ladder I was able to use my whole arm. But, if I want to change the pillowcase on my pillow...that feels impossible. Anything requiring a grasp type position is not doable, no matter how hard I try. Climbing up the dive ladder, I would stick my whole arm in behind the ladder and let my arm do the work. Still can't open any screw tops of any kind.

Wish me luck.

Good Luck Mary! Keep us updated!! Jean in MO
Okay...went to the doctor...he asked why I was there. Said "I fell down in Mexico" He said "Oh come on you can do better than that!" He is used to seeing injured soldiers all day long.

Bottom line... he wrote me a consult for Occupational therapy, which also happens to be the same place where I work. I asked him for pain meds. He looked at my Cozumel X-ray...thought that was kind of "Oh, ouch, bet that hurt" then took more x-rays and sent me on my way.

Enjoying my Acetominophen with Oxycodone now!

And I now have paperwork to be reimbursed for the $1098.00 on my credit card. Beware of using credit cards. The Mexican side of things is very legitimate....it is the damn Credit card companies in the states that tack on some stupid transaction fee for each charge to "translate" from pesos to dollars. Makes the exchange rate more like 11 to 1. Total rip off originating from YOUR charge card company. Mexico not the culprit!!


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